Kyle Willour (krwillou)


M Drive
CSIS Server


WordPress Page
CodePen Pen
CSIS Server
prog01 on M Drive

Preference in Web Hosting Service:

Personally, I prefer using the CSIS serving for storing my html files. The reason I have this opinion is because using the CSIS server is a very simple way of storing files I may need access to from anywhere at anytime. In order to create and save a file, all I need to do is create an html file in Notepad++, connect to the CSIS server, and upload it. If I need to edit the document away from school, all I need to do it type in the CSIS address, including my username, and the name of the program. From there, I can just copy and paste the code into an editor and edit it as needed. Very simple concept, and very easy to use.


PhpProject13 Repo Link
PhpProject13 CSIS Server Link

PhpProject13 Merge Conflict Pictures:

1st Conflict Screenshot

2nd Conflict Screenshot

3rd Conflict Screenshot


Prog03 External CSS File

Reason for Hosting on CSIS Server:

The reason I chose the CSIS server to host this program is because it is the easiest hosting option to use. Simply create the HTML file in Notepad++ and FTP it to the server; very simple.

